Download the desired form in Ms WORD format (docx):
- F-PC-END-03-01 request for a certificate renewal
- F-PC-END-04-01 request for the renewal of the level 3 certificate or for the recertification in the credit system
- F-PSL-10-01 application for the extension of the last review date
- F-PSL-END-01-01 request for initial examination in the field of END
- F-PSL-END-02-01 application for certification where the experience is gained after examination
- F-PSL-END-05-01 application after recertification examination, further examination or retest of a previously failed examination
- F-PSL-END-06-01 requirements to see END
- F-PSL-END-07-01 request for exception from END examination for the holders of certificates recognized by CNCIR-CERT
- F-PSL-END-08-01 declaration of the applicant in order to request the additional examination
- F-PSL-END-12-01 records of the training and/or pre-certification experience at the workplace
- F-RS-CERT-02-1-05 welders’ examination request
- PC-GEN-01-01 declaration of acceptance of the ethical code for CNCIR CERT certificate holders
- F-RS-CERT-02.2-05 request for welders’ examination
Information on filling in the application
The official application for product/equipment certification is filled in by the product supplier for a single product/batch of products.
The official application for product/equipment certification must be signed, dated and have the registration number from the applicant.
The supplier of the product/equipment is responsible for ensuring that its product meets and, as the case may be, continues to meet the requirements on which the certification is based.
The supplier of the product/equipment may be: the manufacturer himself, his legal representative, the owner or operator of the product/equipment.
Fill in the application
Chapter 1
- Enter the data in the form, respectively:
- Full name of the Applicant
- Address, telephone/fax number
- Unique registration code and order number with the Trade Register, bank account and bank where was opened
- Quality of the applicant: manufacturer, manufacturer representative, owner or operator
Chapter 2
- The identification of the manufacturer, respectively the name and the address of the registered office, are filled in only if the applicant is not the manufacturer of the product, in chapter 1, “Quality of the applicant”, being checked the second, third or fourth possibility.
- The addresses of the manufacturing sites of the product are written for any of the possibilities checked at chapter 1, “Quality of the applicant”, even if the product is manufactured at the manufacturer’s premises, repeating its address.
If the product is manufactured in more than one location, the addresses of all these locations are entered.
If the equipment bears the conformity mark π, the identification number of the inspection body shall be entered.
If the space on the form is insufficient, it can be written on an appendix on request.
Chapter 3
- It refers to the identification data of the product/equipment and to the field of application of the product/equipment, as detailed as possible.
If the space on the form is insufficient, it can be written on an appendix on request.
Chapter 4
- Subject of the application: the box indicating the requirements for which the certification of product / equipment conformity is desired is checked
If the applicant does not know and cannot complete these subchapters of the form, CNCIR CERT provides all the information regarding the certification of the conformity of the product, so that the applicant can understand what is mandatory and what he wants and how the conformity of his product can be certified.
Chapter 5
- Check the language in which the certificate of conformity is to be drafted
Chapter 6
- Nothing is completed in this chapter, but by signing the application, the stipulated ones are assumed.
Chapter 7
- The inspection station where the verifications and tests of the transportable product/equipment under pressure are carried out shall be mentioned.
Chapter 8
- The name of the person nominated for the relationship with CNCIR CERT is entered
At the end of the application, the name and functions authorized to sign on behalf of the applicant are registered, usually the General Director and the Technical Director/Economic Director/Production Director, etc. and the stamp of the applicant is applied. Enter the date on which the application was completed.
FGI – PG-CERT-11-01 Edition: 1 / 23.10.2013 Revision: 1/28.07.2014