Access to Public Information
Access to Public Information (Law No. 544/2001)
- CNCIR S.A. understands the importance of upholding the principle of transparency and will provide any information that may be of public interest, in accordance with the applicable legislation, namely Law No. 544/2001, its implementation regulations (Government Decision No. 123/2002), as well as the Law on the Reuse of Information from Public Institutions, Law No. 109 of April 25, 2007 (updated).
- To request public interest information, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 544 of October 12, 2001, as amended and supplemented, regarding free access to public interest information, please contact the designated person: Niță Eduard Constantin, Public Relations Officer/Responsible
- Request form under Law 544/2001
Please use the following form: (download)
- Methods of contesting the decision: If a person believes that their right to access public interest information has been violated, they may submit an administrative complaint to the head of the public authority or institution to which the information was requested, in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 (2) of Law No. 544/2001 on free access to public interest information, as amended and supplemented, as well as Articles 32-35 of the Methodological Norms for the application of Law No. 544/2001 on free access to public interest information, approved by Government Decision No. 123/2002, as amended and supplemented by Government Decision No. 478/2016.
Templates for administrative complaints can be found in Annexes 5 and 6 of the Methodological Norms or from the section: Complaint Forms:
Refusal of request(download)
No response within the legal time limit (download)
- List of categories of documents produced and/or managed in accordance with the law:
Decisions, authorizations, certificates, reports, attestations, minutes, in accordance with the activities regulated by Annex No. 2 to Law No. 64/2008.