Accreditations, Notifications, Designations
Inspection Body in the Voluntary Field
Through its Inspection Body – CNCIR OI, CNCIR performs technical inspections for the purpose of operating authorization (VT-AF) and in-use technical inspections (VTU) for installations and equipment specified in Annex 2 and Annex 3 of Law 64/2008, with subsequent amendments and completions.
The CNCIR-OI Inspection Body is accredited by the Romanian Accreditation Association (RENAR) in accordance with SR-EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 “Conformity assessment. Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection,” in the voluntary field, for technical inspections aimed at operating authorization according to the annexes to Certificate no. OI 018.
- Accreditation certificate No. OI 018
- OI 018 A1 CNCIR Bucharest
- OI 018 A2 CNCIR Bacau
- OI 018 A3 CNCIR Brasov
- OI 018 A4 CNCIR Galati
- OI 018 A5 CNCIR Cluj-Napoca
- OI 018 A6 CNCIR Iasi
- OI 018 A7 CNCIR Oradea
- OI 018 A8 CNCIR Pitesti
- OI 018 A9 CNCIR Timisoara
- OI 018 A10 CNCIR Constanta
- OI 018 A11 CNCIR Craiova
- OI 018 A12 CNCIR Ploiesti
- OI 018 A13 CNCIR Sibiu
- OI 018 A14 CNCIR Suceava
- OI 018 A15 CNCIR Targu Mures
Certification body – PED (Directive 2014/68/EU)
CNCIR through the certification body CNCIR CERT is accredited by the Romanian Accreditation Association RENAR) for carrying out activities to assess the conformity of pressure equipment in accordance with the provisions of European Directive 2014/68/EU – “PED” (Pressure Equipment Directive), transposed into Romanian legislation by GD 123/2015 and meets the requirements of SR EN ISO/CEI 17065:2013.
Notified inspection body – TPED (Directive 2010/35/EU)
CNCIR through the Certification Body CNCIR CERT is accredited by the Romanian Accreditation Association (RENAR) as a Romanian type A inspection body, for transportable pressure equipment in accordance with the provisions of the European Directive 2010/35/EU – “TPED” (Transportable pressure equipment), transposed into Romanian legislation by GEO no.126/2011, approved by Law no.90/2012 and which meets the requirements of SR EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012
ADR inspection body
CNCIR through the CNCIR CERT certification body is accredited by the Romanian Accreditation Association (RENAR) and designated as an inspection body, based on Order no. 207/2016 on the amendment of the Order of the Minister of Economy no. 971/2014 for the approval of the list of bodies designated to issue certificates of approval and certificates of conformity with the prototype according to the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), as well as the inspection to certify the maintenance in operation of road vehicles intended for the transport of dangerous goods by road and packaging intended for the transport of dangerous goods by road.
VOC inspection body
CNCIR through the Certification Body CNCIR CERT is designated technical inspection body in operation of VOC for petrol loading-unloading installations, located on the superstructure of tank trucks and tank wagons, based on Order no. 25/08.01.2019 of the Minister of Economy.
Person certification body
CNCIR through the CNCIR CERT Certification Body is accredited by the Romanian Accreditation Association (RENAR) for the certification of welding personnel and non-destructive testing personnel in accordance with the provisions of the European Directive 2014/68/EU – “PED” (Pressure Equipment), transposed into Romanian legislation by GD 123/2015 and meets the requirements of SR EN ISO/CEI 17024:2012.
- Certification of steel welders in the notified field in accordance with SR EN ISO 9606-1 the accreditation certificate ON 053
- Certification of plastic welders in the voluntary field in accordance with SR EN 13067 and the accreditation certificate PS 086
- Certification of non-destructive testing operators, by industrial and product sectors, in accordance with the standard SR EN ISO 9712:2012;
- Notified to the European Commission under number NB 2558
Certification body – recreational equipment
CNCIR through the Certification Body CNCIR CERT obtained the designation as a certification body of recreational equipment in accordance with the provisions of Government Decision no. 435/2010 on the placing on the market and operation of recreational equipment and harmonized standards for recreational equipment.
Destructive and non-destructive testing laboratory
CNCIR through the Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory (DNDTL) is accredited by the Romanian Accreditation Association (RENAR) as a Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory.